Monday, November 25, 2013

Watercress, Potato and Courgette Puree

The first time I saw watercress was during my search for water chestnuts in Village Grocer, 2 years back. I thought it was mint leaves. I heard that this veggie has an abundant of health benefits but we were not exposed too much to it.

2 days back, when I browsed through Annabel Karmel's book, nak cari idea for little button's bekal for next week, I came across this recipe that calls for watercress. 

Bought watercress at Jaya Grocer for RM3.80 and millet (500g, RM5.50) since kat rumah millet dah habis. A few bloggers said that this recipe is a bit runny but I plan to serve it with millet and calrose rice. Here's how I do it :

1 russet potato
1 medium zucchini
a small bunch of watercress
300 ml water (can use vegetable broth as well)

1. Peel the skin of potato and slice it. Put into a pot and pour water until cover all potatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Trim the zucchini, (remember not to peel the skin as the skin contains most of the nutrients!) and chop it. Add to the potatoes and simmer for a further 5 minutes.
3. Lastly, add a small bunch of watercress (cut stalks off) and cook for a further 2-3 minutes.

Here's the end product :

Gave a bit to little button for his dinner, cecah dengan roti, he loves it!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Caramel cheesecake

Dalam freezer ade 500g of cream cheese  of which the expiry date dia dah hampir. Mase tu lah kelam kabut bukak segala drawer,buku resipi,internet cari resipi cheesecake yang guna 500g cream cheese. Bila ade 250g cc,mesti terjumpe resipi that calls for 500g cc. Ni dah ade 500g cc,resipi tu sume dan-dan menghilangkan diri. Resipi yg pakai 250g cc pulak bersepah2. 

So try lah resipi caramel cheesecake yani. Gigih tu membeli sour cream fresh cream sume2 jenis cream lah...berdebar-debar je hati ni...jadi ke tak jadi...last2 jadi pun!alhamdulillah...hari2 lepas dinner makan sepotong dgn air nescafe...nikmat betul rasa.

Resipi seperti di bawah:

  • Krim
  • 250g cream cheese - suhu bilik
  • 3 biji telur
  • 1cwn(200ml) sour cream
  • 1cwn(200ml) fresh cream
  • 120g gula
  • 2 sudu besar corn starch
  • beberapa titik vanila esen
  • Lapisan bawah
  • 100g biskut marie/ graham cracker
  • 50g butter(cairkan)
  • Caramel
  • 1/4 cwn(50ml) fresh milk
  • 80g gula


  1. Masukkan biskut ke dalam beg plastik. Ketuk-ketuk dengan kayu pencanai sehingga hancur. Masukkan butter dan ramas sehingga jadi berketul
  2. Masukkan biskut ke dalam loyang. Tekan padat-padat biskut tadi.
  3. Sediakan karamel. Masakkan gula dengan 1 sudu besar air sehigga perang. Padamkan api. Kemudian masukkan fresh milk. Ketepikan
  4. Pukul cream cheese sehingga jadi bentuk krim. Masukkan gula -> esen vanila -> sour cream -> telur -> corn starch -> fresh cream ikut turutan sambil dipukul. Pukul sehigga jadi bentuk krim.
  5. Caramelcheesecake1
    Tuangkan krim ke dalam loyang. Letakkan karamel di atas cream tadi.
  6. Bakar selama 30 minit pada suhu 200C dan turunkan suhu kepada 160C. Bakar lagi selama 30 minit. untuk mengelakkan hangus pada permukaan bolehlah letak aluminium foil selepas 30 minit pertama. Bakar secara double-boiler dgn meletakkan air suam di dalam dulang.
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