I've been putting off updating my blog for quite a while ... but nevertheless, I have loads of pictures to upload.
Bintulu is a nice place to live in. It takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to go there by flight from KL. We stayed in Parkcity Everly Hotel during our stay there. Although halal eateries are relatively scarce especially nearby the hotel area, there is a supermarket that we go to regularly.
The hotel is superb as well. I love my room so much, it has a seaside window view. But the downside is, aircond dia terlalu sejuk. kuasa kuda ke apa...mengalahkan kalau pegi negara musim sejuk. Brrrr~
Anyway, to be honest, there are not many happening places in Bintulu as compared to KL. It's more of a place where ppl come to find jobs rather than shopping. despite that, Mr Prince rented a car for us to go sight seeing for a day. yup, 1 day is good enough to cover everything here ;p
The day started off with a fine bowl of mee kolok. There are 2 choices; mee kolok with soup or without soup.
I've been putting off updating my blog for quite a while ... but nevertheless, I have loads of pictures to upload.
Bintulu is a nice place to live in. It takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to go there by flight from KL. We stayed in Parkcity Everly Hotel during our stay there. Although halal eateries are relatively scarce especially nearby the hotel area, there is a supermarket that we go to regularly.
The hotel is superb as well. I love my room so much, it has a seaside window view. But the downside is, aircond dia terlalu sejuk. kuasa kuda ke apa...mengalahkan kalau pegi negara musim sejuk. Brrrr~
Anyway, to be honest, there are not many happening places in Bintulu as compared to KL. It's more of a place where ppl come to find jobs rather than shopping. despite that, Mr Prince rented a car for us to go sight seeing for a day. yup, 1 day is good enough to cover everything here ;p
The day started off with a fine bowl of mee kolok. There are 2 choices; mee kolok with soup or without soup.

Our first stop was the Tugu Dewan Undangan Negeri The monument commemorates the centenary of the 1st meeting of the council of Negeri Sarawak held on 8th Sept 1867.

Next is Tamu Bintulu. A quite interesting place I should say. Apart from the veggies, fruits, etc, you can also find a few sellers selling phytons, tortoises and ulat mulong. geli lak teringat ulat mulong tu tergedik gedik ... huhu~

Best kan pegi pasar....hahaa... kat pasar tu lah kitaorg jumpe sharks banyak gila ... mcm orang jual ikan kembung tu, melambak-lambak haa. next we went to pantai tanjung batu. tapi signboard tulis pantai temasya bintulu. layan~

ada pantai kidurong gak, tapi tak singgah bcoz it was raining

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