Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Renungan bersama...

One of my friends shared this through the FB. Something to ponder upon ...

1) Jangan pukul anak dari lutut ke atas

2) Jangan gunakan tangan/anggota tubuh kita utk memukul anak dengan tangan dan jangan sesekali mena
mpar anak pakai tangan kita. nanti anak jadi bertambah degil dan nakal dan tak boleh control
3) Rotan/pukul anak di telapak kakinya . Secara saintifiknya ada kaitan dengan refleksologi dan merangsang ke bahagian otak

...Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.

“Berguraulah dengan anak kamu kala usianya satu hingga tujuh tahun. Berseronok dengan mereka, bergurau hingga naik atas belakang pun tak apa. Jika suka geletek, kejar atau usik anak asalkan hubungan rapat. Lepas tujuh hingga 14 tahun kita didik dan ajar, kalau salah pukullah dia (sebagai pengajaran)”

4) Mulakanlah hidup anak anda dengan nama panggilan yang baik. Nama panggilan yang kurang baik akan menyebabkan anak anda malu dan merasa rendah diri. (Dalam Islam sendiri nama panggilan yang baik adalah digalakkan).

5) Berikan anak anda pelukkan setiap hari (Kajian menunjukkan anak yang dipeluk setiap hari akan mempunyai kekuatan IQ yg lebih kuat daripada anak yang jarang dipeluk)

6) Pandanglah anak anda dengan pandangan kasih sayang (Pandangan ini akan membuatkan anak anda lebih yakin diri apabila berhadapan dengan persekitaran)

7) Berikan peneguhan setiap kali anak anda berbuat kebaikan (Berilah pujian, pelukkan, ciuman, hadiah ataupun sekurang-kurangnya senyuman untuk setiap kebaikan yang dilakukannya).

8) Janganlah mengharapkan anak anda yang belum matang itu melakukan sesuatu perbuatan baik secara berterusan, mereka hanya kanak-kanak yang sedang berkembang. Perkembangan mereka buatkan mereka ingin mengalami setiap perkaratermasuklah berbuat silap.

9) Apabila anda berhadapan dengan masalah kerja dan keluarga,pilihlah keluarga (Seorang penulis menyatakan anak-anak terus membesar. Masa itu terus berlalu dan tak akan kembali).

10) Di dalam membesarkan dan mendidik anak-anak, janganlah tuan/puan mengeluh. Keluhan akan membuatkan anak-anak merasakan diri mereka beban.

11) Dengarlah cerita anak anda, cerita itu tak akan dapat anda dengari lagi pada masa akan datang. Tunggu giliran anda untuk bercakap (Ini akan mengajar anak anda tentang giliran untuk bercakap)

12) Tenangkan anak anda setiap kali mereka memerlukannya.

13) Tunjukkan kepada anak anda bagaimana cara untuk menenangkan diri. Mereka akan menirunya.

14) Buatkan sedikit persediaan untuk anak-anak menyambut harijadinya. Sediakanlah hadiah harijadi yang unik walaupun harganya murah. Keunikan akan membuatkan anak anda belajar menghargai. (Anak2 yg dtg daripada persekitaran yang menghargai akan belajar menghargai orang lain).

15) Kemungkinan anak kita menerima pengajaran bukan pada kali pertama belajar. Mereka mungkin memerlukan kita mengajar mereka lebih daripada sekali.

16) Luangkanlah masa bersama anak anda diluar rumah, peganglah tangan anak-anak apabila anda berjalan dengan mereka. Mereka tentu akan merasa kepentingan kehadiran mereka dalam kehidupan anda suami isteri.

17) Dengarlah mimpi ngeri anak-anak anda. Mimpi ngeri mereka adalah begitu real dalam dunia mereka.

18) Hargailah permainan kesayangan anak anda. Mereka juga dalam masa yang sama akan menghargai barang-barang kesayangan anda. Elakkan daripada membuang barang kesayangan mereka walaupun sudah rosak. Mintalah kebenaran mereka sebelum berbuat demikian.

19) Janganlah membiarkan anak-anak anda tidur tanpa ciuman selamat malam,

20) Terimalah yang kadangkala anda bukanlah ibubapa yang sempurna. Ini akan mengurangkan stress menjadi ibu bapa.

21) Jangan selalu membawa bebanan kerja pejabat ke rumah. Anak-anak akan belajar bahawa kerja pejabat selalunya lebih penting daripada keluarga.

22) Anak menangis untuk melegakan keresahan mereka tetapi kadangkala cuma untuk sound effect sahaja. Bagaimanapun dengarilah mereka, dua puluh tahun dari sekarang anda pula yang akan menangis apabila rumah mula terasa sunyi. Anak-anak anda mula sibuk mendengar tangisan anak mereka sendiri.

“Anak- Anak ibarat kain putih. Ibu bapa lah yang mencorakkannya menjadi yahudi, nasrani atau majusi”
Mama doakan anak mama mempunyai iman, akhlak, akal dan rupa paras yang sempurna

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lunch before the longggg holiday


This was done last 2 weeks and the dishes were simple but I really need to record it in the blog for future ref ~
We had brown rice, ikan kembung sambal and kailan celur oyster sauce with watermelon juice. There were just ikan kembung only in the freezer ... I wanted to make a simple singgang but the key ingredient for singgang is not in hand ... which is the lengkuas. Thank goodness chillies are in stock ... so I decided to make ikan kembung sambal.


3-4 ekor ikan kembung, digaul dengan serbuk kunyit dan garam
3 cili hidup*
10 cili padi*
2 ulas bawang putih*
1 bawang merah*
1 sudu besar cuka makan
air, garam dan gula secukupnya


1. Deep fry ikan yang telah digaul dgn serbuk kunyit dan garam. kalau garing sket pun takpe, lagi best.
2. Blend semua bahan bertanda * dalam dry mill.
3. Panaskan minyak, dan tumiskan bahan yang dah di-blend. Lepas dan mendidih, masukkan cuka makan dan air sket .. aritu terlebih letak air, kalau nak pekat, takyah letak air byk. Tunggu lagi sampai mendidih.
4. Masukkan garam/gula secukup rasa.

The Kailan Oyster Sauce follows this recipe ---> Egg Tofu with broccoli and oyster sauce, minus the egg tofu.

Masak simple-simple saja .... dah ada baby ni, masak dah leh lelama dahhhh

Monday, November 12, 2012

Family Day 10.11.12 - Unleash the toon in you!


nice date, ain't it?

that is the date for our division's family day this year. initially i was indifferent towards family day ... ado ko nan hado ko ... samo jo yo ... hihi. but it was Encik Mon that got so excited and it was contagious ... and eventually i was counting days to family day.terlebih sudaaa. but, thank you Mon, for showing support in whatever way you can, love you for that :) Anyhow, the pink panther committee kept on sending information through emails ... so that too, had some impact and i was not indifferent anymore. the power of presence.

we had family day at sunway lagoon and the ticket is for all parks. sudah berubah ye ... several years back, cuma ade 2-3 parks, but now sudah 5 parks. i was in the angry birds team, thus explained the red colour. 
mama kangaroo for the day, ayah the OP for our family :)

when we arrived, the senamrobik sudah halfway started and my stomach was growling with hunger ... we chose nasi lemak for our breakfast and KFC set for lunch. after we found a good spot, makan-makan, make ourselves comfortable, then we went to watch performance by the departments under AG Zila's div.  

Then it was time for telematch and Encik Mon was a good sport and wanted to be in the water tug of war game. the team won second place ... yeay!

teh tarik race .. which i almost join tih tih tihhhh

official mascot made an appearance

can u spot my hero?

 Lucky draw time .... guess who gets the most sought after prize???? Treng teng teng ....

it's pink karerrrr!!!

 Last but not least .... it's time to hit the water!!!

ready in his swimming diaper

okay, this is the funniest part. i was snapping away Encik Mon & little button's picture when these 2 arabians from elsewhere rushed in and cuit cuit our baby and asked me to snap their picture and keep on saying cute baby, cute baby. they looked really pleased and excited with little button

all in all, this year's family day was definitely a memorable one .... because it's the first time we went as a family .... together with little button ... (sejak kahwin, takde tau family day, only god knows why lah kannn ... anyway it was a good timinglahh since now we have our little button) .... and also, i won Ipod Touch for lucky draw! Alhamdulillah .... syukur syukur~ ~

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pristin, Moo and Sangobion

Siang tadi, pwincess, monteh and little button pegi supplement shopping pasal stok vitamin yang biasa pwincess makan dah abes. tadi bayar more than rm500 woo. vitamin ape yang mahal bebenor tu?

haa ... tu dia. beli 3 jenis tadi. pristin tu contains fish oil ... based on survey, brand ni yang the only one so far yang mempunyai high level of DHA, EPA, etc etc. beli pack macam tu kat caring arga dalam rm339. 

Moo tu pulak calcium tablet. masa pregnant makan yang dr delaila dan prince court bagi, even lepas bersalin pun still consume jugak ... dah 5 bulan post-delivery baru stok calcium tablet habis, tu try beli brand ni. macam comel je kotak kaler lembu.  yang ni pharmacy jual rm119 untuk 2 kotak 60s free satu 30s kot kalau tak silap.

and lastly, yang kotak merah tu Sangobion untuk iron. masa pregnant makan brand yang sama jugak, untuk tambahkan darah for fetal development. even dah bersalin pun, montey suruh sambung je makan pasal iron ... rasa terharu sebenarnya, monteh sanggup habis beratus2 untuk my well-being ... katanya, kalau mama sihat, insya Allah little button pun sihat pasal dapat sources from breastmilk. pwincess doa kita satu family sihat walafiat, cergas dan cerdas sentiasa. Amin.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

An ending and an opening

Today Montey and I took the day off. kitaorang send dulu little button to school first, had brunch at our regular place and then off we went to settle a few things berkaitan dgn rumah. Sempat jugak detour ke waroeng ayam penyet for lunch and shoe shopping for both of us dalam sibuk-sibuk tu. 

Esok insya Allah, bermulanya a new chapter for our little family. May Allah have mercy on us and grant us patience. Amin.

 "Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk daripadaMu dengan ilmuMu dan aku memohon ketentuan daripadaMu dengan kekuasaanMu dan aku memohon daripadaMu akan limpah kurniaanMu yang besar. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Mengetahu segala perkara yang ghaib. Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawasanya urusan ini (sebutkan..) adalah baik bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, takdirkanlah ia bagiku dan permudahkanlah serta berkatlah bagiku padanya da seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawa urusan ini (sebutkan..) mendatangkan keburukan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, maka jauhkanlah aku daripadanya dan takdirkanlah kebaikan untukku dalam sebarang keadaan sekalipun kemudian redhailah aku dengannya".

(sebutkan urusan yang dimaksudkan di tempat yang bertitik).

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mihun Sup

Okay, this was made aeons ago ... during our time at 'DP'. Got busy with life and updating blog somehow became not a top priority .... until recently, I thought back of my blog, which captured so many fond memories. Okay, renewed resolution ... will try to update religiously. 

Adapted from Bihun Sup, MyResipi

  • Mihun untuk 2 orang makan
  • 2 ketul ayam (bahagian berisi)
  • 1 pokok sawi
  • Segenggam taugeh
  • Daun bawang dipotong halus
  • Daun sup dipotong halus
  • Segenggam bawang goreng
  • 3 ulas bawang merah
  • 3 ulas bawang putih
  • Seinci halia
  • 1 batang kulit kayu manis
  • 2 kuntum bunga lawang
  • 3 kuntum bunga cengkih
  • Rempah sup
  • Rempah kurma
  • Garam
  • Serbuk pati ayam
  • 6 biji cili padi
  • 1 biji limau nipis (diambil jusnya)
  • Kicap pekat manis
  • Minyak untuk menumis
  • Air 
Cara Masak:

1. Rendam mihun dalam air
2. Tumbuk 2 ulas bawang merah dan 2 ulas bawang putih serta halia
3. Panaskan minyak, tumiskan bahan tumbuk tadi bersama bunga lawang, kulit kayu manis dan cengkih.
4. Setelah bahan tumisan naik bau dan berwarna perang, masukkan ayam dan gaul-gaul sehingga ayam kelihatan perang.
5. Masukkan air.
6. Setelah air menggelegak, masukkan rempah sup ke dlm periuk sehingga mencapai tahap kekeruhan yang diingini.
7. Masukkan pula rempah kurma dalam anggaran 1 sudu teh.
8. Masukkan garam & serbuk pati ayam secukupnya, kacau, tutup periuk dan perlahankan api. Biarkan sup mereneh.
9. Setelah ayam dalam sup masak elok, keluarkan dan siat2 isinya. Setelah itu, celur sawi, taugeh & mihun.
10. Setelah siap, bolehlah masukkan bihun ke dalam mangkuk, diikuti taugeh, sawi dan isi ayam. Taburkan daun bawang, daun sup & bawang goreng di atasnya. 
11. Hidang bersama sambal kicap, makan doa makan dan makan!

Untuk sambal kicap:
sangai bawang putih & cili padi - tumbuk - campurkan dgn kicap - siap!

Bahan-bahan nampak sangat byk, tapi sila jangan be intimidated by it. the simplicity of this dish is what making it tasty :) . tak caya, tanyelah encik Mon ~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My lil' button's child care centre

I send my little button at a day care centre provided by my employer. It's nearby the office, parents can come and visit/breastfeed anytime,the place is highly secured and the facilities are tip top - senang hati mama ayah kat opis.

When I was in my last trimester (maybe end april/ early may), Tunas Kijang conducted an open day, which was timely as I had planned to send in my child there. We were welcomed and was given a briefing. After that, we were given a tour around the building by the school teachers and also briefed on the montessori method that the centre adopt. There is a quota for each level of kids here, and they also accept infants as young as 2
months old. 

hearing attentively

the corridor
outdoor playground

colourful - wish i could be a kid again!
the sickbay
one of the toddler's classrooms

one of the infant's classrooms
where poops are being washed - hihi!

Well, those are some of the pictures taken, thanks to Encik Mon and Af. So far, the place is very hygienic la, there are a lot of hand sanitizers around the school, kids are taken body temperature each time they enter their classrooms, towels are asked to be replaced daily, etc. Besides that, selalu jugak ada PTA meetings, sports/games day between teachers and parents.

Little button on his first day :)
So far, all the teachers at little button's classroom adore him as well as his friends' parents. The parents nicknamed him 'happy baby' :)) if he is one happy baby, then I am one happy mama, alhamdulillah ~

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gray skies

It's that time of the year again ....  when the skies are gray and the sun hardly shines. Dirty clothes are piling high ... even though I am still on leave and most of the time at home nurturing my little button ... the weather seems to discourage us from doing our laundry and hang them under the sun :(

Need to pay a visit to the nearest laundromat~

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Day I Become A Mom

It's so surreal .... I can't believe that I am now a mama ...

My EDD was 31 May 2012 and we had our last routine checkup with my lovely gynae on 30 May. She checked me and everything was fine; so why was the baby not showing signs of coming out? I was 40 weeks on that day. My gynae recommended induction and let me choose the date to start the procedure. She also gave us tips on how to induce labour naturally (this part was so funny ... ducks will be my favourite animal after this ;-p)

We went shopping after that and had a feast at Delicious (my final eat-what-your-heart-desire meal before the dreadful confinement period). Cut our hair at Subang Jaya, bought some ingredients for that night's family gathering and later at home, concocted a big bowl of iced lemon with longan drink ... and celebrated Mama's birthday :)

I started to feel the pain just before midnight but it was still tolerable. Is this contraction? Not sure. But Encik Mon recorded the intervals anyway. But since we had a long day -  Encik Mon dozed off halfway through the recording. So I had to record it myself. Close to 3.00 am, the pain was intense and I woke Mon up, saying that the pain was getting unbearable. Encik Mon terus melompat, and said, "eh jom kita g pcmc, saya rasa awak dah nak bersalin ni." Mama came to the car, kissed my forehead and gave words of encouragement to me (sentimental gak time nih pasal kasih ibu kan, but too painful untuk rasa sebak at that time) and off we went.

I was admitted around 3.35am and bestnye tdo atas katil after that when at 8.30am, my gynae came to see me and thought it was just a false alarm (terngiang-ngiang Dr cakap,"betul ke awak sakit ni Diana .... iyer ke contraction ni ....") but when she measured the dilation, it was already 3cm and she suddenly became serious. "OK Diana, you are now in labour." 


Since I have already informed my gynae and the nurses earlier that I wanted to be on epidural, so at 10.30am, the anaesthetist came and employed the painkiller on me.ohhhh sangat lega lepas itu ~

At 12.00pm, I was dilated 8cm.

At 1.30pm, I was fully dilated (10 cm). Gynae came, smiling and joking as always .... sekali bile dia check.... ayat dia :"hah?!! Diana!!! you are fully dilated!!! cepatnyaa...!!!" Off she went to prepare herself untuk menyambut. Oh, she had this pink apron on and black phua chu kang boots .... very cute indeed.

Exactly 2.34pm - my firstborn came into the world!!

I just can't believe that after months having the baby in my womb, now he is on my chest for real ... 

Our baby chose to come out on the EDD itself without any induction or stimulation. Syukur Alhamdulillah, I can't thank Allah enough for His countless blessing and making my journey smooth :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kerabu pucuk paku dan taugeh

pwincess jarang teringin makan kerabu kalau g makan kat rumah orang atau buffet spread kat mana-mana. tapi bile datang angin nak makan kerabu .... memang tang-tang tu jugak nak makan. ni actually dah lama buat, sampai dah lupe ape resipi dia ... jenuh pulak kena stadi satu-satu resipi kat blog-blog orang lain ... dan didapati blog nannie ni dari segi rupe, macam hampir sama ... so pwincess copy paste lah resipi kerabu pucuk paku dan taugeh dia kat sini sebagai rujukan next time ... tayah nak kena stadi sekali lagi blog2 masakan ... :)

Kerabu pucuk paku dan taugeh

1 ikat pucuk paku
2 cawan taugeh
1 biji bawang merah besar
1 tangkai lada merah
1/2 cawan udang kering - rendam sekejap
1 biji limau kasturi - boleh ditambah atau dikurangkan
Sedikit belacan
Kerisik secukupnya
Garam dan gula secukup rasa

** Boleh ditambah cili api kalau nak pedas lagi.
Bersihkan pucuk paku dan ambil bahagian pucuk yang muda kemudian celur pucuk paku ini sampai layu . Bersihkan taugeh n celur kejap dalam 20 saat saja .

Mayang bawang besar nipis-nipis dan ketepikan dulu .Tumbuk udang kering dengan belacan dan cili merah sampai lumat , perah limau kasturi dan ambil jusnya.

Masukkan semua bahan-bahan ke dalam mangkuk yang sesuai dan digaul rata . Jika ada bahan yang terkurang boleh la ditambah ikut pada selera masing-masing.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hydrotherapy at Prince Court Medical Centre


Pwincess masih bersiaran lagi ... hik hik hik .... walaupun at the mo ialah 39 weeks and 2 days~

Anyway, I did mention that my gynae signed me up for hydrotherapy sessions before this, right? Most of Dr Seri's patients memang akan di-rekemen untuk join hydrotherapy ni. Hydrotherapy has so many benefits ... kalau tak caye, sila google ye. So for those who would like to know what I went through, please read on...

The therapy consists of 3 parts : heat therapy, massage therapy and lastly, therapy in the pool. Mule2 physiotherapist akan assess you and tell you what your problem is, where and what you need to do in order to improve that issue that you are having, etc. Then, you will be asked to lie flat on your back, on a heat pack for 15-20 mins, no more than 40 mins and followed by massage. The heat pack at pcmc is a large sized one, so it covers almost every inch of your back, and it feels very, very good! Kalau nak beli sendiri, buat kat rumah pun digalakkan, kedai tu ade kat bangsar dan berharga rm3xx (cant remember). There are 2 types of heat pack; manual (you need to rebus dia) and electric - convenient but you need to ensure ade plug point dekat2 where you want to lie.

Then, comes the massage part. well. ni susah la nak ckp caner nak massage. korang kena g berguru dgn physiotherapist sana la. hihi. The heat and massage therapy boleh start dari awal pregnancy sampai ke akhir pregnancy, but for pool therapy hanya can start from 5 months (20 weeks) up to 36 weeks. This is to avoid contraction pra-matang. Yup ... hanya up to 36 weeks ... i was about to lie when it's time for me to say bye bye to hydrotherapy ...but everyone in the group seems to know and me taleh tipu. huhu.

The hydrotherapy class is conducted 3 times a week (Mon, Wed and Fri) , and you can't do it everyday. kena selang sehari if possible. The class starts at 1130 and takes about an hour. Your blood pressure will be measured, and then off you go, jump into the pool. ohhh how nice... 

 Nak tgk tak pool dia? Jom kita skodeng ...

 Best, kan?

Mula-mula warm-up, then march to and fro ...march backwards ... if I can still remember, these are some of the moves that we usually do:
-  place the floater between your thighs and do the carousel move, again, forward and backward. 
-  lean on your back at the side of the pool, place the floater at your right ankle and lift up and down while standing straight on the other leg. change ankle.
- step on the floater with one foot and lift up your knee 90 degrees while stabilising your body with the other leg
- sit on the floater, ensure good posture, both knees 90 degrees and kayuh with your both hands to move forward and backward  (there's another similar move like this only that the floater is between your thighs)
 and banyak lagi ... penat nak type.

pastu, warm down. and the class ends with relaxation session. you will be floating on the water, while closing your eyes, practise deep breathing and relaxing.....

I am already missing the class while I'm writing this. I feel quite blessed dapat attend these kinds of classes ... itu pwincess cakap, bertuah betul baby ni, melimpah ruah rezeki dia .... syukur alhamdulillah :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kek Batik

Making kek batik has come a long way for me. I tried making it since I was 10-11 years old. A neighbour served us when we went to their house, and since then, I begged my mom to reproduce it. My mom eventually obtained the recipe from our neighbour, and we both tried our hands on it but it was never the same as what we tasted. Since then my mom has 'retired' from trying to make kek batik but somehow has become a 'kek batik critic' everytime I make these. This one is by far the best kek batik. It does not melt when stay at room temperature and the biscuits stay crunchy (but of course, after a while mestilah wajib lemau).

3/4 butter
1 tin kecil susu pekat (3/4 tin kalau guna tin besar)
1 cawan koko or (1/2 milo,1/2 koko) or (3/4 cawan koko, 1/4 cawan milo)
1 biji telur
1 pkt biskut marie
nestum 1 cawan

  1. masukkan semua bahan-bahan tadi ke dalam periuk (kecuali biskut marie)
  2. cairkan semua bahan-bahan tu dengan api yg kecil
  3. kacau bahan-bahan tu smpi pekat (dlm 15 min)
  4. bila da pekat, tutup api dan masukkan biskut marie dan kacau sehingga sebati
  5. then, masukkan ke dalam loyang dan mampatkan
  6. pastu, masukkan dlm peti sejuk untuk keraskan

Friday, May 18, 2012

Babymoon Trip 2012 to Kuching - Part 3

Day 4: 6th February 2012

Kuching DUN's Building from the main gate.
Diwani's Kek Lapis, Satok. Our rented car owner recommended this shop however it is not cheap.
One of the pottery factory along Batu 4 Jalan Datuk Amar Kalong Ningkan
Some of the beautiful potteries
Me admiring the potteries
Pit Stop for Laksa Sarawak
Fuh, 3 layered tea

Indian Street
Goodies along Indian Street. It is more or less the same as Jalan TAR, KL. However the prices is not so competitive, definitely Serikin is a better place for 'Kains'
River Cruise
Proof of our journey along Kuching's river along the Kuching's river  
DUN's building view from across the river


Visiting Mira's and Dayang Salhah's Kek Lapis shop across the river
At the back is our accomodation for the day
The famous Kuching's Cat sculpture

At Raja Ayam Penyet
The famous Raja Ayam Penyet "Ayam Penyet". Opt for Pisang Cheese. But its already out of stock and it is only 8 pm.

Day 5: 7th February 2012

Since today is our last day, so we decided to go site seeing in Kuching town. And  our last venue was the famous Cats Museum located at Kuching Municipal's Office
One of Kuching's museum
Fauna's Museum
Admiring the big cats at Kuching Cat's museum
Last view of Kuching. Bye Kuching.
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